Urbano, Urbanidade, Humanidade.

Urbano, Urbanidade, Humanidade.


*[Do latim urbanu.] Adj. 1. Relativo ou pertencente à cidade; planejamentos urbanos; transportes urbanos. 2. Que tem características de cidade...


*[Do latim urbanitate.] S.f. Qualidade de urbano; civilidade, cortesia, afabilidade.


*[Do latim humanitate.] S.f. 1. A natureza humana. 2. O gênero humano. 3. Benevolência, clemência; compaixão.

*Fonte: Novo Dicionário Aurélio da Língua Portuguesa – 2ª Edição Revista e Ampliada – Editora Nova Fronteira.

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

3rd Exhibition of Mail Art – Mauá - Urban – Urbanity – Humanity 50 years of City

3rd Exhibition of Mail Art – Mauá - Urban – Urbanity – Humanity
50 years of City

Curators: Cecília and Edson Bueno de Camargo

HUMANITY =  The quality of being human. Human beings generally.
URBAN = of a town or city.
URBANITY = urban life.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

Urban – Urbanity – Humanity
50 years of City

Justification (apology)

The urban development of the last 50 years, put Brazil side by side with countries considered from 1st  world “Fifty years in Five”, the military dictatorship come upon the stroke; the “Brazilian Miracle”; the crisis of petroleum; the globalization, lead the industrial growth, the metropolis growth, the immigrations, the labor unions, the social exclusion, the disorganized growth, the concentration of incorne.
Whole cities grew around withou health tindustrial poles, some cities grew so much that there were no way to equilibrate or arrange them. They became little “Franksteins”, with all the problems came upon this situation.
Due to these, today we live with several  “Brasis”, the “Brasis” from 1st world, and the “Brasis” from 4th or 5 th world. The differences are high, but they are here to be discussed by anyone.
In spite of this reality be awfully democrate – several cities, several states and even in other countries – each city has its specifities, its soul, its way of dealing with its problems, each city has its face, its “digital”.
This mark is so private that we can show, is the mark that we do every day in our city.
The city where I live, comemorates its fifth anniversary of emancipation this year.
For a city it is so little, but for its inhabitants, many things happened in this period. Generations born, generations died. Tabus (prohibitions) were dropped and many others were criated.
Diseases were cured and others appeared some people met and other lose. The world, neither us, stopped to see these 50th years go by.
This is our opportunity to reflect and criate, through the mail art which brings near long distances, in a positive globalization, our vision of this urbancinquentenary, of a pained growth but unavoidable. Let’s show the face of each one city to, looking at its eyes, to get clear up a little from its soul.
The Curators.

3rd Exhibition of Mail Art – Mauá - Urban – Urbanity – Humanity
50 years of City

Curators: Cecília and Edson Bueno de Camargo


3rd Exhibition of Mail Art – Mauá - Urban – Urbanity – Humanity - 50 years of City, maintain the same proposal put in the last years, of discussing the humanization of urban, public and private space occupation for the artist to show us his way of interact with the urban environent, rescuing the lost human side among the concret of the metropolis, taking again to the surface the concept of urbanity, specially the development of the 7 cities of the Great ABC and the Mauá City, which this year commemorate the 50 th year of its political emancipation.

  • The Theme to be used is Urban, Urbanity, Humanity – 50 years of City.
  • The technic and the concept of realization are free.
  • The period for receiving the works will be from april 10 to july 15, 2004, being valid the date of it will be posted in mail.
  • The works have to be the format and dimensions of 18 x 24 centimeters.
  • The address for the sending works always through mail, is

Teatro Municipal de Mauá
R. Gabriel Marques s/nº - Centro
Mauá – S.Paulo
CEP 09370-400

  • The works should be send as postcards, or inside envelopes, wich could or not take part of the artistic expression of the autor. The envelopes will be exposured, as the selection of the organization commission.
  • The support must be plan, firm and won’t be accepted works covered with fragile materials, as glass or similar materials, because the necessity of its sendng via mail.
  • It’s open to plastic artists, designers, publicitaries, students and people interested in this matter. There is no restriction for any participants or its original locations.
  • Each participant can inscribe only one work. There won’t be any payment for inscription and any kind of  premiation either.
  • The following data must be written in the back of the postal:
Name of participant
Artistic name (if it exists)
Postal address


E.mail: (no need)
Title of the work
Used technic
  • All the received works will be exhibited in the Hall of the Mauá City Theater, in the period from August 4 to september 10, 2004.
  • If we get a sponsor, it will be published a catalogue about this event.
  • The received works will be incorporated to the collection of Mauá City Theater, and there won’t be any kind of devolution.
  • The neglect cases will be solved by the organization commission. Their decisions will be irrevocable and irreclaimable.


From                            To
April 10                        July 15, 2004
To receive the works
August 4, 2004
Exhibition opening - Hall of Mauá City Theater. 7:00 p.m.
August 4 to September 10, 2004
Exhibition of all the works received until July 15, 2004.

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